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Create Custom Training Functions in TensorFlow 2 (with Autograph too!)


This post is about how to implement custom training of Neural Networks in TensorFlow 2, and how to make it run faster with a new feature called Autograph. If you are interested on the topic, I suggest you to take a more “in depth” look at my Tutorial Notebooks on TensorFlow 2. They are all based on custom training functions, and they can be seen as a more practical application of the topics presented here.

Training models from TensorFlow 1.x to 2.x

TensorFlow 1.x was based on symbolic programming, worked very differently from how we usually think about code. In fact, you couldn’t simply write down an operation (let’s say, an addition like c=a+b) and observe its execution on the spot, instead, you had to first create a computational graph, i.e. an empty structure of abstract computations, and in a second phase push tensors through it… making a tensor flow.

Symbolic programming was quite cool (IMHO) but very uncomfortable to write and complicated to debug. For that reason (and the competition that started with pyTorch) the newer TensorFlow 2 was characterized by eager execution instead, i.e. it works just like in plain Python.

Additionally, Keras is no more just an additional layer, built on top of the main library, but it became an essential part of it. Every architecture in fact now must be built with Keras’ layers and syntax.

In fact, canonical model training in TensorFlow 2 is now done with:

history =, Y_train)

which is the good ol’ Keras syntax.

That’s good an all, but what if you need more control? What if you need a more articulated training mechanism for a unique problem that requires a unique solution? What if you’d like to Or what if you are just a curious student that wants to have a better understanding of how Neural Networks are trained?

In all these cases, a simple is not enough, you need to write your own custom training function. Keras is super easy and confortable to use, but you’re not going to lear Deep Learning with it.

Create a custom training function

In a custom training function you’re going to need for loops. For each iteartion, you need to follow these steps:

First, define a Loss and an optimizer. That’s easy, no need to explain that.

Second, record the gradient that you take from computing the loss value. This can be done with tf.GradientTape(), this is its purpose. A tf.GradientTape() object records the gradients (i.e. computes the impact of each weight to the final loss value).

Third, use that gradient to update the weights (through the optimizer).

Let’s say you want to train a model to solve a classification problem, after defining Loss and optimizer:

loss = tf.keras.losses.CategoricalCrossentropy()
optimizer = tf.optimizers.Adam(learning_rate = 0.0001)

a custom training step would look like that:

with tf.GradientTape() as tape:
    current_loss = loss(model(X_batch), y_batch)
gradients = tape.gradient(current_loss, model.trainable_variables)
optimizer.apply_gradients(zip(gradients, model.trainable_variables))

A tf.GradientTape() object is created as tape, to “take a look” at the value of loss generated. Later, the gradient is computed using tape.gradient on the model.trainable_variables, and final weight update is applied with optimizer.apply_gradients.

I happened to use. Here are two examples I found interesting:

I had a lot of fun working on these projects.

Make custom training fast enough with Autograph

Yeah, I know what you might be thinking now: Python loops are terribly slow. And you’d be right! Python loops are an order of magnitude slower than C++ loops.

Fortunately, there is a little tool called Autograph that allows you to significantly boost your code: Autograph, and more specifically the @tf.function decorator.

What is it?

As you know, TensorFlow counts a number of built-in functions (they are usually called ops).

Every TensorFLow computational graph (which is still present, just as in the 1.x version, you just can’t see it anymore) is a composition of many of these ops. Since the TensorFlow kernel is written in C++, once your Python code gets compiled as a computational graph and executed very quickly.

The goal of the @tf.function decorator is to transform your own Python functions into TensorFlow ops.

You just take the @tf.function decorator and put it on top of your training function. Like that:

def train_step():
    with tf.GradientTape() as tape:
        current_loss = loss(model(X_batch), y_batch)
    gradients = tape.gradient(current_loss, model.trainable_variables)
    optimizer.apply_gradients(zip(gradients, model.trainable_variables)
    return current_loss

Autograph allows you to turn any function of your choice into a TensorFlow graph, making its execution orders of magnitude faster. Even functions that have nothing to do with model training can be optimized with @tf.function.

However, some conditions must be met for Autograph to work.

The input of you function must be a numpy array.

Every function with @tf.function on top must be composed of other native Python functions, or TensorFlow ops (you can’t use numpy functions, for example).

This is less problematic than what it might look like. Many TensorFlow functions are analogous to numpy ones. You can use, for example, tf.where() instead of np.where(), or write tf.cast(x, tf.float32) instead of x.astype(np.float32).

And remember: if you have a loop, don’t use range() but tf.range(); Autograph will automatically translate it into a tf.while_loop().

And that’s it! Hopefully, this post will help you write better, more advanced training functions and optimize your TensorFlow code as much as possible. As I already said above, I wrote a number of Tutorial Notebooks on TensorFlow 2 with the use of custom training and Autograph.

Enjoy! (Hopefully)